Some projects
Sea Test Base Platform
Making the Breton seabed accessible via a website and web services is the success of the Sea Test Base. This connected maritime platform is positioned in the harbor of Brest. Built by Yncréa Ouest teams, it consists of a pontoon at sea and a network of buoys (in progress) positioned 1.1 km from the shore. This set is the heart of the underwater observatory. It allows to test and validate applications used for the monitoring of underwater living species, sites for the production of renewable marine energy, monitoring of submarine drones …
The submarine information produced by the immersed systems is transmitted by acoustic waves to the buoys which transmit them to the earth by means of hertzian channels passing by the pontoon. The ground infrastructure of the test base receives the information and relays it via the internet. It is then possible to visualize the evolution of underwater systems, or even to control them remotely. Thus, from an office in town, it is possible to visualize the evolution of colonies of marine mammals or to pilot and remotely control underwater robots. The Sea Test Base maritime platform is the place where biologists, electronics engineers, roboticians, computer scientists meet … in the image of the multidisciplinarity of the teachings proposed by Yncrea.